Food for Thought

Tony Hammitt tony at
Tue Nov 5 17:41:24 CST 2002

CIPA is based on a somewhat good idea, but the censorship programs don't work.  Often the programs 
censor perfectly benign content (and frequently censor their competitors' websites) while letting 
through any new pr0n site and probably half of the old ones.

The censorship programs are all hype and no actual working content.  Any smart kid can just change 
the browser settings or disable the software in the system's registry.

I'm not saying that kids should look at pr0n, but just having the computer monitors facing the 
librarian will prevent that.  Heck, having a login and letting the user know you're tracking where 
they go will prevent most from going anywhere unseemly.

Censorware programs are just a cop-out to give lazy people a false sense of security.

Actual parenting is a better solution.



"Philip, Anil [PCS]" wrote:
> I do not have any quarrel with the bills listed there eg "Child Online
> Protection Act", and CIPA "Under CIPA, schools and libraries that receive
> certain Federal funds are required by law to censor the Web,..."
> Those are *good* laws.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: zscoundrel [mailto:zscoundrel at]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 10:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: Food for Thought
> You think your vote doesn't mean much, think about how these people got
> into office, and how we can get them OUT!

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