Can I join in?

Gregory Alan Kedrovsky greg at
Mon Nov 4 21:05:29 CST 2002

On Mon, 2002-11-04 at 14:53, DAVID KUCHARSKI wrote:
    It appears that you already have!!  WELCOME!

:-) ... don't mean to butt in...  But, thanks for the welcome!  I grew
up in Belton (no trailer court jokes, please).

    So is the state of Open-Source any better in Costa Rica than it is in KC 
    ( i understand that it's faultering on non-existance here, to my surprise)?
Open-Source may have a better go of it here than in the States simply
because it's less expensive. An average Joe down here can't afford a
blowtorch machine to run the WinApps that are coming out today. So,
he'll be more inclined to go with an older machine that could run Linux
and Open-Source just as fast or faster than Windows. 

The problem: everybody pirates down here. So, Open-Source... Windows...
it's all free. Just "burn me a copy" and there you have it. 

Bottom line: I don't see Linux or Open-Source really making a dent in
much down here (as far as general public) simply because people don't
like to think for themselves. "Windows for Dummies" is more than a book
title, you know? People want point-and-click. For now, that ain't Linux.
But, that's okay. To each his own. I'd prefer to have my "build-your-own
Ferrari" than a "drive-it-off-the-lot Chevy Citation" any day. 

:-)  Greg
    Gregory Alan Kedrovsky wrote:
    >I am originally from the KCMO metro area, but am currently living in San
    >José, Costa Rica. I'd like to be part of en English-speaking mailing
    >list to get help from time to time with my Linux questions (I'm an
    >intermediate newbie, forgive me). Would it be possible to participate in
    >the KCLUG? Or would it be preferable to look elsewhere? 

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