another question about roadrunner

Randall Randall randall at
Wed May 8 22:39:29 CDT 2002

Jeremy Fowler wrote:
> He meant broadband router/gateway with an integrated switch. Like the Linksys
> BEFSR41, Netgear RT314, or the D-Link DI-704. You can't hook a vanilla switch to
> the modem.

Yes, you can.  That's how I'm set up.

You can either just use RR's 4 IP addresses (they'll give
you up to four through DHCP), or you can use IP-based
IP masquerade (not port based, if you only have one NIC
in each machine).

Randall Randall <randall at>
Crypto key:
Politicians are the same all over.  They promise to build
bridges even when there are no rivers.  -Nikita Khruschev

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