Thank You

mac ten dlegion at
Fri Apr 19 15:43:59 CDT 2002

Greetings all,
Thanks for all of the offers everyone.
The one Cd that I have, I downloaded from mandrakes
missouri mirror or server.

It is set to go directly to runlevel 5 but it fails
saying something about me needing XFree86 or my video
card isnt supported.  During the install of 8.2 it
doesnt even try to configure a video card.

Kevin: I would greatly appreciate you sending me three
discs I need, that is extremely giving of you.  Thank

Dustin: For the longest time now all Iv'e been trying
to accomplish is being able to do all the tasks that I
do so easly in windows.  Linux has so many different
Independent apps, it makes it hard for me to figure
out anything.  I need help setting up the system once
it's running again to do the simple things in life
like file and printer sharing over my network + I want
to stream line the system(clean it up)do I really need
several of the same name folders all over the place in
different directories?  Most of the same name folders
are empty and it confuses me when Im looking for
things.  Thank You very much for your concern.

Brian: I will try to make the next meeting, so that
maybe you guys can try to tech me up.  Iv'e been
trying to learn linux since 1996 when I bought my
first distro (suse) but something always goes wrong
like this time my video card went bad, well Im not
gonna by a piece of crap video card just so linux will
be happy, I duel boot so I need the best for
windows(Im a gamer)the result is I cant use my linux
system and then I forget everthing I was trying to do.
 Before my video card went out I was studying the
Linux Programming Bible and I was actually following
along writing the scripts and they even worked, which
was exciting for me. I dont remember anything I did
now though so I have to start over (page one again).

Thanks again for everyones input.
Aldis Tuck

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