Oh Boy!

Jerry Place place at umkc.edu
Thu Apr 18 14:42:00 CDT 2002

On Thursday 18 April 2002 09:00 am, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:

> Sooner or later we are going to have to admit that this list is a
> significant vector for spam and viruses and take some security
> measures.
> Does anyone know of a list archiving program that will strip email
> addresses?  This would help if we could clean the archives of
> usable addresses.  That and requiring verification of addresses
> before posting to the list are two steps I think should be taken.

   I use Mailman for my class lists and restrict posts to members of 
the list.  I know that grates against our egalitarian notions but it 
sure keeps the spam down.

   Mailman is very easy to use and seems to be simple to maintain.  
If my workstation were a little more stable, I'd volunteer to manage 
the lists.


Jerry P. Place
UMKC School of Interdisciplinary 
       Computing and Engineering

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