dual nics and routes

Charles K. Lee II chuckx at cold-sun.com
Wed Apr 10 14:35:17 CDT 2002

On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 07:45:58AM -0500, Lucas Peet wrote:
> Here's my route table for Main:  
> Any ideas? 

The routing table looks like it should be fine.

How are the computers connected?  Directly from one NIC to the other?  If
so, are you using a crossover cable?  If not, try connecting the older
computer directly to the cable modem to see if it can get network
connectivity.  If the older computer doesn't work either way (connected to
newer computer or connected to cable modem), I'd suspect some sort of
hardware issue with it.

- chuckx | Charles K. Lee II -
- chuckx at cold-sun.com -
- http://www.cold-sun.com -

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