Margrave, Thomas tom.margrave at starbase.com
Fri Apr 5 20:34:31 CST 2002

Not to get in a email war,  but I was comparing Main frame, Linux and
Windows with  IBM loads. IBM Finally told us that the calls to the database
where not the same for each platform or os.   This makes it hard to get
tools to work with issues like this.  For example the company I work for
program interface for one set of calls and IBM never did tell them (my
company) that we would have to make the calls different for what platform
and os that db2 was on.

The Company I work for had to undergo another development cycle for each
option of db2.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Herrmann [mailto:JimH at ItDepends.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 10:56 PM
To: kclug at kclug.org
Subject: Re: DB2

First off, it depends on which versions you are talking about on the
mainframe and Linux/AIX/NT.  The most recent versions of each have pretty
much all the same features.  The underlying architecture and physical
implementation has differences, of course, but from an application stand
point, they are very similar.  There is, however, also some customization
required.  If you run DB2 on Linux on the mainframe, now that's a different

Second, Bill is not looking to use a mainframe at all.  His company is way
small to justify that cost.  He's looking for easy administration, simple
install, reliable, secure, and good multi user performance.  He's on the
right path with DB2 and Linux.

BTW, how different is M$-SQL Server on Linux or OS/390?  Doh!  I forgot,
M$-SQL server only runs on Winblows.  ;-)

Jim Herrmann

On Thursday 04 April 2002 03:43 pm, Margrave, Thomas wrote:
>  Bill,  I do not know alot about DB2 but from what I have seen I would
> caution you on it.   The version of DB2 on main frames does not acept the
> same calls to a windows version of the server.  I have found this out
> I was out in the field workin with customer implementing the product my
> company sells.
> Tom Margrave
> www.starbase.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Cavalieri
> To: kclug at kclug.org
> Sent: 4/4/2002 9:09 AM
> Subject: DB2
> I know we have some DB2 peps on the list, I'm trying to get my company
> to switch from M$ $ql $erver to DB2 on linux.
> If anyone would be willing to do a demo of DB2 for my company, main area
> needing info is on how to handle large db/tables and query them quickly.
> We have some tables with millions of rows, and need to keep retrieval
> down in the low secs.  Sql Server can do this, but not very many query's
> at the same time.
> Email or phone me if interested.
> -Bill
> Bill Cavalieri
>  <mailto:bcavalieri at gekl.net> bcavalieri at gekl.net
> VP IT Systems
> 816 880 0066
>   <>

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