Changing ports
Brian Densmore
DensmoreB at
Wed Apr 3 19:19:22 CST 2002
Depends. On what service you are talking about.
For sshd:
In the sshd configuration file uncomment the line
#Port 22
and change it to whatever port you want. Make sure the port isn't being
used by some other daemon/process or sshd will complain about not being
able to bind the port.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gene Dascher [mailto:gedascher at]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 1:06 PM
> To: Kclug
> Subject: Changing ports
> Hello all,
> How difficult is it to have one of my services (let's
> say ssh) listen on a
> port other than the default for that service?
> Thanks,
> Gene
> majordomo at
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