bandwidth [was: static IP options]

Brian Densmore DensmoreB at
Tue Apr 2 14:53:05 CST 2002

>  . . . the free ride might be over for
> $$cheap$$ high-speed bandwidth.  
But, isn't that supposed to be the point with highspeed bandwidth?
It's supposed to be cheap so everyone can have it.

> that would make
> the RIAA people cringe.  
But then you're probably right. The RIAA people (i.e. TWC, et al) are
bricks on loss of revenue ... blah ... blah ... blah.
Unfortunately, the clueless seem to be at the reins, and will 
continue to be for quite sometime.

Maybe they can succeed in putting themselves out of business?

You may say I'm a dreamer,

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