please help

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at
Sat Sep 22 16:29:13 CDT 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dana [mailto:akadanak at]

> I have access to a CD burner but I have never burned an ISO 
> (or anything else actually) but I would like to download the Linuxcare BBC

> image. So I have a couple of questions.
> 1.  The burner is on a Win98 machine. Is that a problem?

No.  You're dealing with an ISO file format, which is OS independent.

> 2.  I want to burn a regular size CD instead of a business
> card size. Is that a problem?

Shouldn't be, like copying a 360K floppy onto a 1.4M disk.

Remember that the ISO file _is_the disk image.  Don't just copy it onto the
CD, use it as the image file to create the CD.

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