spam revisited
Brian Densmore
DensmoreB at
Fri Sep 21 18:54:23 CDT 2001
I hate spam. Spam and eggs for breakfast; spam and cheese for lunch;
spam, spam and spam for dinner. I'm sick of spam.
I think what might be a better solution, is to have an allowed/refused
ruleset. This would work like this, refuse from the spamming domains
unless there is a specific from address that is allowed. This gives you
the best of both worlds, refusing spam on a domain basis, but allowing
registered individuals through.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mike neuliep [mailto:mike at]
> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 9:03 AM
> To: kclug at
> Subject: spam revisited
> Hello, I am interested in knowning how the list members feel
> about spam. I've
> been receiving an increasing amount of spam in my personal
> mail box lately and
> I have been looking into something more radical than a merely
> an access list
> of common spammers. I'm considering a commercial service
> that works with sendmail
> that incrementally downloads an abuse list daily and will
> reject e-mail from those
> domains of known spammers. This will undoubtedly block many
> of the large ISP
> and free e-mail services too such as hotmail, yahoo-mail and
> aol. I am quite
> aware that some of our members use these services to post to
> the group. I'm
> hoping you guys could help me weigh the benefits and pitfalls
> of such a system.
> One thing is for sure though, manual additions to the access
> database take up
> time that I could be doing better things and it is probably
> not the best solution
> to our problem.
> Thanks in advance,
> Mike Neuliep
> majordomo at
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