Wine, Whine, installs, and the like
Brian Densmore
DensmoreB at
Fri Nov 9 16:01:39 CST 2001
This is not flamebait either, but I know many artists who would fight
you tooth and nail, or at least pencil and paintbrush, on this. Mac is
used extensively by artists. But Linux is rapidly gobbling up this
market. Alas, I see doom in Mac's future.
Cases in point :
Titanic (the movie), Shrek, Lord of the Rings (due for release very soon
- and I might add - IT'S ABOUT FREAKIN' TIME!)
Sorry about that, but Middle Earth is a touchy subject for me. Frodo
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Palmer [mailto:repalmer at]
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 9:48 AM
To: Steve Johnson; 'kclug at'
Subject: RE: Wine, Whine, installs, and the like
At 9:07 PM -0600 11/8/01, Steve Johnson wrote:
Yes Mac OS is great as long as you don't attempt to run any real
or network it, or do any real work with it. OS-X is great as long as
don't try to use any Mac aps on it. I'm in the GA business, so I know
just a
teensy bit about what I say on this subject....
This isn't a flame...just a long standing observation. Don't want to
get into a Mac vs the world thing. But anyone that makes statements
about the Mac OS like that simply hasn't ever use it or been around it.
You're repeating an urban legend of the first order-created and
maintained by Microsoft.
Wine, Windows and other junk........
I routinely run Windows in emulation-under OS 9 emulation-under OS X on
a 350 MHz iMac/786 megs RAM. Runs about 200 MHz fast. :)
Scattered files.....
I think the beef with OS X for most Mac folks is exactly that scattered
file thing-Mac people are used to concrete places to put stuff which can
be thrown away in a snap if you don't like it-back to square one no harm
done. I've found that its easier to get a Mac user up to speed on a PC
because they have no fear of screwing things up when they should be very
afraid. Converting PC people to Macs is more difficult because
(formerly-OS 9) they were very afraid of screwing things up when they
should have been having fun. My guess is that Apple will be a dual OS
company for quite sometime. Maybe that's the way it should be.
Lastly and most important....
Revisiting community/public networking/wireless .
I do want to get back and discuss this seriously. I posted that article
nearly 2 months before it popped up on the list. Recently we've been
really busy and I haven't had a chance to respond. So in a nut shell:
Sunflower is a not for profit. Sunflower has a long term track record
of slugging it out with the corporate giants, improving/growing, and
staying in business. Someone wanted to know what Sunflower brought to
the table. Frankly, Sunflower is the "public network" table right now.
All the rest is pipe dream. If there is interest in shaping the
direction etc then that requires participation.
Sunflower is willing to finance things to whatever degree it can. I
don't mean to minimize the financial commitment- it will be large. Make
no bones about it though-its a boot strap thing...but that's good.
That's why it can work. That's why you and me can play. That's why the
corporate giants will hate us.
We've been in discussions for a year with a national satellite TV
provider that needs Internet at apartment complexes where they can't put
up dishes. That can provide a place to put broadcast stuff. We could
close that deal if we had the manpower to actually get it done.
Nothing should be on the slide. We can't build it unless its all legal.
The big guys will shut us down if it isn't.
I think those were the important points.
All our effort right now is going towards becoming the first national
not for profit ISP. We want to claim the title of NPR or PBS of
computing. That brings money and power to negotiate. The national
network is hot and we're on the financial clock tweaking the back end
systems so we're swamped messing with those pesky hidden files. :) We
will use the national network to build out these wireless systems where
ever there is interest. Interest being defined as people who take the
initiative trying to get things done. :)
end caffeine rant,
At 9:07 PM -0600 11/8/01, Steve Johnson wrote:
Nope, your not offensive, just omnipotent and pontificative.
Yes Mac OS is great as long as you don't attempt to run any real
or network it, or do any real work with it. OS-X is great as long as
don't try to use any Mac aps on it. I'm in the GA business, so I know
just a
teensy bit about what I say on this subject....
I do agree with your philosophy with learning, except I try to learn 10
things a day.
>===== Original Message From D. Hageman <SMTP:dhageman at>
>On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Steev Johnson wrote:
>> Unfortunately, I have to deal with MAC OS too much already thank you.
>Mac OS is a great operating system and I think that the new releases
>a lot of potential. Shoot almost every GUI shell since then has tried
>replicate it to some degree or another.
>> It must be great to know everything.
>Well, I don't know everything yet, but I work closer to that goal every
>day. Some people say I won't ever reach that goal, but oh well - you
>gotta try right? I get the impression that you found some of my
>offensive - please look at placement of the smileys to assist you in
>interperting my comments. As for the rest of my reply - their is good
>information in there. I find it a wasted day when I don't learn
>something. :-)
>> sj
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: D. Hageman [ <mailto:dhageman at>
mailto:dhageman at]
>> Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 2:27 PM
>> To: Steev Johnson
>> Cc: kclug at
>> Subject: Re: Wine, Whine, installs, and the like
>> On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Steev Johnson wrote:
>> > I saw the posts on WINE and I thought about the fact that the only
>> > I can bear installing software on Linux is to drink some wine
>> > Now
>> Well, if that is what you have to do then that is what you have to
>> I
>> recommend that if you think that you are becomming an alcoholic you
>> switch
>> to Mac OS. :-)
>> > Well, so does Linux.
>> No.
>> Depends on the distrobution you run and what the philosphy is. If
>> get
>> a BSD style distro you will find that you have neat little
>> for
>> most major pieces of software with the binaries soft linked back into
>> your
>> path. RPM/DEB based distros do spread files around, but if you know
>> to use your package tool you can find the files very easily.
>> rpm -ql <package>
>> > Let's take for example the MYSQL package as implemented under
>> > or any other distribution for that matter. None of the RPMS really
>> > WORK to get it installed, there is still tons of Mickey mouse to
>> > it work
>> > - if it ever does.
>> Well, sounds like you need to write the maintainers of the RPM and
>> them know that their RPMs are broken.
>> > trying to figure out why safe_mysqld hangs. What every happened
>> the
>> > glorious days of DOS when everything was in the same %$&!
>> > What was wrong with that?
>> Nothing, see above.
>> >
>> > Yes, I understand the shared data and the centralized config
>> > can/should be somewhere else, but this is just a mess! Whether it
>> > gets installed under /usr/bin or /usr/shared or usr/local or
>> > seems to depend on how someone was feeling that day. Much like
>> > windows. At least with windows, I KNOW there are only a couple
>> > other than the app directory that they are going to dump DLLs and
>> > like.
>> And why ... because you have run Windows for so long. It is called
>> experience.
>> > cobol. If I can't figure this stuff out easily, how is the average
>> > sysop ever going to be able to deal with this?
>> No matter how I answer this question it will be bad. I will pass ;-)
>> Have fun!
>//========================================================>|| D. Hageman
<dhageman at> ||
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