Qbasic 1
Brian Densmore
DensmoreB at ctbsonline.com
Wed Nov 7 23:42:49 CST 2001
Sorry, still wrong. The dark ages go back to Mr. Babbage (made first
mechanical computer) and his lady Ada (wrote the first program) in the
1800's. Can't tell you the date without searching google. Oh and we
could push this back even further if you want to include slide rules and
the abacus.
-----Original Message-----
From: Steven L. Brendtro [mailto:sbrendtro at home.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 5:23 PM
To: kclug at kclug.org
Subject: RE: Qbasic ?
Sorry... the dark ages go back alot farther than the 1980s! The ENIAC
was built in 1942, 38 years before the "dark ages" :)
Steve B.
PS I didn't see any of those punch cards at ITEC today :( They should
have an ancient exhibit or two just for fun, you know...
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Johnson [mailto:sjohnson at commercial-lithographing.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 4:22 PM
To: 'kclug at kclug.org'
Subject: RE: Qbasic ?
It dates back to the dark ages (1980) when you inserted the punched
cards and
the head of form loop you accidently created shot paper up high enough
to hit
the ceiling until the box ran out.
Then you employed a skill, long forgotten, called "debugging".
The current skill is "running the debugger". These should not be
confused as
being the same.
>===== Original Message From "Cox, Michael"
<SMTP:michael.cox at honeywell.com>
>It wobbles the mind, doesn't it?
>You mean...one...tiny...molecule on my fingernail...could be...a whole
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: dlegion [ mailto:dlegion at yahoo.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 4:03 PM
>> To: kclug at kclug.org
>> Subject: Qbasic ?
>> I'm taking a home course on QBASIC, and as I was reading
>> along I suddenly was
>> dumb struck. When the first program to ever be writen was
>> writen, How did
>> they check it or code it to make sure it would work and since
>> it would have
>> been the first program EVER! how did they wirte it?
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