Linux as a router/gateway

Jonathan hutchins at
Fri May 11 13:21:31 CDT 2001

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Thurmond [mailto:p_thurmond at]
> Can anyone list to me the variety of distributions and linux based
solutions available 
> on the internet that would do IP masking, acting as a gateway for my
network. Basically 
> I want to know what other alternatives I have to coyote linux. Thanks! 

RedHat 6.2 works very well (there are some required updates from the
original distribution); Most RedHat derivations like Mandrake will work just
as well; I'm sure any distribution that's not explicitly customized for some
other purpose will work fine.

With the latest kernel they have again changed the way you configure and
control the routing, and I haven't worked with the new system yet, but it's
supposed to be even more robust and efficient.

There is at least one Linux Router distribution which I believe runs off of
a floppy.

Using RH6.2 on a P120 w/ 32M of RAM and RoadRunner, I can detect no lag or
delay from the router/firewall compared to a direct connection.  I used this
setup with diald and a modem before I got RoadRunner, and it just works

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