LinuxFund, will that be cash or credit?

Mike Coleman mkc at
Wed Jun 13 22:26:01 CDT 2001

mike neuliep <mike at> writes:
> Hmmm, the cards DO look pretty cool and I do like the idea behind the card.
> The only thing I don't like is the 14% APR interest the card carries.  If they
> could make the interest rate competitve, say to the 9.8% my credit union
> carries, I'd look very closely at changing cards....
> But on the other hand, if you're never going to carry a balance, why the hell
> not?  What do the rest of you think?

I've been using mine for the last several years.  I use it as my no-balance
card (which I pay off every month), for the reasons you mention.

I don't have an opinion about whether the LUG should get involved, but I'd
just note that any individual can easily apply for one by themselves.


Mike Coleman, mkc at                                      Windows XP                                               Linux :)
problem solving, expert software development

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