XP Performance

JD Runyan Jason.Runyan at nitckc.usda.gov
Thu Dec 6 15:51:10 CST 2001

On Thu, Dec ,  at 08:38:02AM -0600, Marvin Bellamy wrote:
> Trust me, I don't like M$.  I'm forced to use their products at work. 
> Actually, right now I'm not running *ANY* M$ products at home, but I am 
> looking to reinstall Win98.  I'm not spouting M$ sales hype, I'm talking 
> about my experiences with both OS's.  Why do we use Win2000 on our 
> workstations?...because Linux it too difficult for non-techs who just 
> want to powerup and download E-mail.  The premise for Linux is great, 
> and I think it will eventually usurp Bill Gate's market share, but 
> asking your Grandma or even your mom to "./configure; make; make 
> install" is too much.
> zscoundrel wrote:
Uhh, who is running ./configure;make;make install for thier email
software?  To those who answered yes, did you do it because you could or
because you had to?  Linux can make email easier than windows, because
their are so many apps to choose from.  If you want to make an argument
pick something like CAD to argue, because their are far fewer OSS apps
that try beat AutoCAD.  The Office Suites do what most users desire, and
are coming close (especially star office) to matching all the
functionality of M$ products.  I don't see where you think life is
harder in linux.   If you just like Win2K better then great, but don't
expouse to me that Linux is too hard for joe user, because that is just
cr at p that the M$ feeds the masses that don't know better.  If every
version of windows is supposed to be easier than the latter, then why is
it every new version brings me more and more complicated questions from
my friends and family?  The easiest operating systems for the average
user to use is the one he is currently using.  Any change tends to
create confusion.  Most people now would say The modern windows layout
is easier to use than the Win3.x layout, but when I did desktop support
and moved people from  3.x to 95 I had to spend hours training people,
and handling how do I questions.  I had people cuss me out for putting
that crap on thier computer.  Today I know very few people who would run
win3.x on thier computers.  The argument that microsoft is easier only
applies in one area, and that is the fact most computers you buy in the
large retail stores have it installed out of the box.

JD Runyan
		"You can't milk a point."
			David M. Kuehn, Ph.D.

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