Juno on Linux

Robert Kennedy erwin_k_r at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 27 22:54:49 CDT 2001

My 81 year old Mom started out with Juno email, so I
latched on to the article below from an Amiga on line
magazine. Its downright Draconian. Brad Webb, the
author, is well respected in the Amiga community. In
fact I see him every year at the show in St. Louis.


                     Bob Kennedy

> > From: "Kennedy, Bob" <Bob.Kennedy at ssa.gov>
> > To: "'erwin_k_r at yahoo.com'" <erwin_k_r at yahoo.com>
> > Subject: Juno
> > Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 06:21:28 -0600
> >
> > J U N O  U S U R P S  Y O U R  C O M P U T E R
> Opinion By
> > Brad Webb
> The huge ISP company Juno has recently changed their
> Terms of Service to include conditions that should
> cause most computer users to think several times
> before signing up with them. Here's an excerpt from
> the actual terms of their agreement:
> "2.5. You expressly permit and authorize Juno to
> (i) download to your computer one or more pieces of
> software (the"Computational Software") designed to
> perform computations, which maybe unrelated to the
> operation of the Service, on behalf of Juno (or
> onbehalf of such third parties as may be authorized
> Juno, subject tothe Privacy Statement),
> "(ii) run the Computational Software on your
> to perform  and store the results of such
> computations, and
> "(iii) upload such results to Juno's central
> during asubsequent connection, whether initiated by
> you in the course of using the Service or by the
> Computational Software as further described below
> ... you agree not to take any action to disable or
> interferewith the operation of ... any component of
> the Computational Software. You agree that, as
> you and Juno, you shall be responsible for any costs
> or
> expenses resulting from the continuous operation of
> your computer, including without limitation any
> associated charges for electricity, and that you
> shall have sole responsibility for any maintenance
> technical issues that might result from such
> continuousoperation. You agree that, as between you
> and Juno, Juno shall have sole rights to the results
> of any computations performed by the Computational
> Software, including without limitation any revenues
> intellectual property generated directly or
> as a result of suchcomputations, without further
> compensation to you. ...[Y]ou> expressly permit and
> authorize Juno to initiate a telephone connection
> your computer to Juno's central computers using a
> dial-in telephone number you have previously
> for accessing the Service ... you agree that, as
> between you and Juno, you shall be responsible for
> costs and expenses (including without limitation any
> applicable telephonecharges) resulting from the
> foregoing ...
> You agree that you will not attempt to reverse
> engineer any such software, data, or other materials
> or transfer or disclose any such software, data, or
> other materials, or the results of any such
> computations, to any third party. You acknowledge
> your compliance with the requirements of this
> 2.5 may be considered by Juno to be an inseparable
> part of the Service, and that any interference with
> the operation of the Computational Software
> (including, but not limited to, any failure to leave
> your computer turned on at  all times) may result in
> termination or limitation of your use of the
> > All these words boil can be summarized in a few
> disturbing points. First, you allow Juno to use your
> computer for whatever it wishes,whenever it wishes
> use it. You are not allowed to discover what Juno is
> doing with your computer. You have to leave your
> computer powered up and accessible at all times in
> case Juno wants to use it. You pay to have the
> of their use sent to them by e-mail. If anything
> happens to your computer along the way, that's no
> concern of theirs and you can do nothing about it.
> only  good we can find in this at "Amiga Update" is
> assume there may be a laugh or two at Juno's expense
> the first time they try to run anything on an Amiga.
> We bet they have no idea what one is, and if we're
> lucky maybe they don't even allow Amigas to connect.
> Even if they do, we don't think we'd be interested
> taking the risk.

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