Randy's Stupid Question of the day

Brian Densmore bjdensmr at epsi.net
Sun Sep 10 21:38:41 CDT 2000

Umask unmasked!

using this list will help:

0 = rw- for files, rwx for directories;
1 = rw- for files and directories
2 = r-- for files, and r-x for directories
3 = r-- for files and directories
4 = -w- for files, -wx for directories
5 = -w- for files and directories
6 = --x for files and directories
7 = --- for files and directrories

These rules were written by a very smart lefthanded person, unfortunately most
really smart lefthanded people are dislexic (sic). Fortunately for me I am only
a moderately intelligent lefthanded person.

clears up it this I epoh,


On Fri, 08 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Take a look at this page for the Octal equivalents.
> http://www.clug.org/presentations/intro_to_linux/gfx030.html
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Randy Rathbun [mailto:randy at rrr.2y.net]
> Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 9:57 AM
> To: kclug at kclug.org
> Subject: Re: kclug - Randy's Stupid Question of the day
> Okay, I give.
> How in the world does umask work? I am trying to change it to
> rwxr-xr-x. If it is 022, it is rw-r--r--. Okay, *that* makes total
> sense... ahem. 
> And then setting it to 220 results in r--r--rw. And even stranger stuff
> starts if I go to other numbers. 
> Anyone care to explain this?
> Randy Rathbun
> randy at rrr.2y.net
> http://rrr.2y.net
> Linux: the operating system with a CLUE... Command Line User Environment.
>          -- seen in a posting in comp.software.testing

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