ftp program
Brian Densmore
DensmoreB at ctbsonline.com
Tue Nov 21 16:24:23 CST 2000
I use gFTP [http://gftp.seul.org/]. It is a multithreaded client. There is
also tkFTP [http://tkftp.firebird.cx/download.html], make sure you get at
least version 1.1.1 - it is a very complete client. And IglooFTP Pro
[http://www.littleigloo.org/iglooftp_downloads.php3]. One of these ought to
do everything you want.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gene Dascher [mailto:gedascher at multiservice.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 9:11 AM
To: Brian Densmore
Subject: RE: ftp program
I am looking for a graphical client.
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Densmore [mailto:DensmoreB at ctbsonline.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 8:36 AM
To: 'Gene Dascher'
Subject: RE: ftp program
What kind of FTP client are you looking for, graphical or text? There are a
ton of great FTP clients for Linux. You probably installed several when you
loaded Linux. Check out freshmeat, you be able to find exactly what you want
there. There are way to many to enumerate, and I just use the ones installed
by default in Gnome or KDE, but there are better ones.
Hope this wasn't a total waste for you,
-----Original Message-----
From: Gene Dascher [mailto:gedascher at multiservice.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 7:11 AM
To: Kclug
Subject: ftp program
Does anyone know of a good ftp client that allows you to move files between
2 remote systems? I have one for Windows, but have been looking for one for
Linux for a while.
Gene Dascher
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