Meeting topic - security test

Dustin J. Decker dustind at
Thu Mar 23 15:30:05 CST 2000

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, steve doerr wrote:
> Would this be useful?
> Would others be willing to do scans as they showed up on the list?
> How should something like this work?
This sort of thing is of course useful to _someone_ out there...  The
first thing I'd do is get into something a bit newer than SATAN however,
perhaps cheops and/or nmap.

"You say you are lying.  But if everything you say is a lie, then you are
 telling the truth.  You cannot tell the truth because everything you say
 is a lie.  You lie, you tell the truth... but you cannot, for you lie."
			-- Norman the Android, "I, Mudd" stardate 4513.3
Dustin Decker - Network Administrator at Large -

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