Partitioning questions

Tony Hammitt thammitt at
Thu Mar 16 18:16:48 CST 2000

Frank Wiles wrote:
>  .------[ Bradley Miller wrote (2000/03/16 at 11:31:01) ]------
>  |
>  |  Now that I have Samba running, I'm looking at some directories and that and
>  |  I think I need to give somethings more room, and possibly look at adding
>  |  another harddrive.   What's the best way to go about this?  When I was
>  |  installing Samba on the other computer it complained that the /usr wasn't
>  |  big enough.   I deleted some files (4 mb worth) and all was fine.   How
>  |  would I go about changing that . . . perferably without messing up my 60+
>  |  days of uptime?  ;-)
>  |
>  `-------------------------------------------------
>     Unless you're willing to just move mount points around, you're going
>     to lose your uptime.  ( Well at least I wouldn't recommend adding
>     and yanking drives in a running system!!! ).
>     Easiest way is to add a new drive, partition it up a bit, and move
>     your mount points around to give yourself more space in the areas
>     that need it.
>  -------------------------------
>   Frank Wiles <frank at>
>  -------------------------------

You may not have to go that far.  I successfully moved several
directories out of /usr with no ill effects.  I had some spare
space in another partition and did the following:

cp -a /usr/src /admin
cp -a /usr/doc /admin
rm -rf /usr/src
rm -rf /usr/doc
ln -s /admin/doc /usr/doc
ln -s /admin/src /usr/src

Now I have lots of space in /usr, plenty of space to compile
kernels and the nearly useless /doc directory put somewhere
more appropriate.  (When they have all of the docs and manpages
html'ized and cross-linked, they'll be useful again.  I'm used
to this from AIX and I guess I'm spoiled...)

If you need to do something more drastic, you'll have to
reboot, at least.  Disks are cheap nowadays, I'll probably
give /usr 2GB from now on.  Back when I partitioned some of
these boxes, 800MB for /usr was overkill...

Caveat:  Make sure that /usr is in the same mount group as
where the files are moving to, preferrably mounted afterwards.

Just my 2 cents.

Tony Hammitt

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