new to Linux

Jeff McCright jeff.mccright at
Thu Jun 1 21:49:00 CDT 2000


I have to agree. Look, I am not the brightest bulb in the box,
and as such was hoping to find insight on how to make
my Linux experience a little less painful and a lot more
fun. However, the bickering and arguing has made me
come to regard most of the E-Mails I receive
from KCLUG as spam. I have no problem with people
arguing over which way is "best" or who is more "right",
but do you really have to drag the rest of us through it?
Perhaps we all should reflect on why a User's Group
exists. Perhaps my interpretation of the Kansas City
Linux User's Group's mission is wrong. I was of the
opinion that we were here to help each other and
new users. I guess I expected the arguments to go
through e-mails directed to its intended recipients
and not the LUG.

Thanks anyway,

Jeff McCright
jeff.mccright at

From: kclug at
To: kclug at
Cc: jeff.mccright at
Subject: Re: kclug - new to Linux

It's "C'est la vie".  Frankly, I don't trust your grasp of French.

Guys, I'm quitting the list.  I really can't see that I can offer anything
that the "gurus" can't.  And I'm getting quite tired of the element in this
group that can't answer a simple question without adding a snide little
remark to make the person who asks it feel stupid (Watts) or blows the
topic way out of proportion in a sad attempt to show off their technical
virility (Bell).

Happy trails,
Cory Root

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