Web site development

Duston, Hal hal.duston at mail.sprint.com
Fri Jan 21 17:07:42 CST 2000


Sorry, I was just trying to get Mike's goat.
(I went to high school with him.)

I modified the page at work where NT is 
used and Linux is verbotten, threw it on 
a floppy, and posted it from home.  So I 
"had" to use notepad.  I finished up the 
page using vi on some kind of sun box 
because that is what my ISP uses.  I 
barely even have time to turn on MY 
linux box at home.  I do have Linux also 
on a IBM Thinkpad PS/2 microchannel 
machine.  I have been using it as I am 
able to since 1996, but this town is very 
hard to find a Linux job in. (sigh.)

I promise to "play nice" in the future.

P.S. my work apparently has my name 
wrong. (sigh again.)

Hal Duston
hald at sound.net
Boring is good.
A conformist in a nonconformist world.

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