
Mike Coleman mkc at kc.net
Sun Jan 16 07:04:48 CST 2000

Rich Minear <rminear at linuxstart.com> writes:
> Microsoft Exchange server has been a very good, stable email/scheduling
> system for our company....

You and I must live in different universes.  My painful experience with
Exchange is that it is a shoddy piece of crap.  At my last job our email would
be down for days at a time to clean up (etc) Exchange's proprietary mail
database.  I've also seen Exchange servers accept email and drop it straight
into the bit bucket--no bounce, no delivery, no nothing.  This is the primary
no-no when it comes to reliable email.  And don't get me started about
interoperability problems.  Ugh.

Repeat after me: Don't use Microsoft for anything that matters.


Any sufficiently adverse technology is indistinguishable from Microsoft.

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