Corel Linux

Randy Reames randy at
Sat Jan 8 01:18:22 CST 2000

"Shriver, Carl" wrote:
> Has anyone heard anything about Corel's new Linux OS that supposedly runs
> all Windows programs out of the box?  Is this true?  What's the skinny?

It doesn't natively run Windows apps, what it it does run are apps
remotely off of an NT server like a Windows workstation. It uses the
GraphOn Bridges software. Here is an article on it.
It is a big step toward integrating Linux in to the mainstream
Corel Linux has some questionable practices with its OS distro and the
GPL though. I am looking forward to their release of Corel Draw and
Paint for Linux in the Spring.

 -o)  Randy Reames   Web Developer/System Administrator  
 /\  PilgrimPage
__V  785-841-1221   mailto:randy at

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