Meeting Tonight

Tom Margrave TMargrav at
Tue Dec 19 21:18:02 CST 2000

I will be going to work for a company called StarBase(  I will be looking for 
a lug out there but I mostly likely will not have the time because of my traveling schedule for the 
1st six months.  I will watch the list and try to support when ever I can.  

Thank you.

>>> mike neuliep <mike at> 12/19/00 02:58PM >>>

Hopefully you'll be able to continue contributing to the list once you're
settled in Virginia.  Who will you be working for out there?

ps - if you're in a part of virginia without a user's group you might want
to consider starting one

I will be starting the NorthWest Indiana LUG this spring and hopefully I can
work it out so kclug and nwilug are sister lugs.  It might be kind of fun.


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