Windows 2000 Active directory

Brian Densmore bjdensmr at
Sat Aug 26 03:46:52 CDT 2000

Active directory allows for very fast searches, think of grep on steriods. It
does a bunch of other things with files and data, basically N-dimensional
categorizing. I read in Linux Mag/Journal/Extreme (or sys admin, read so
freaking much I can't keep them straight) that someone is working on an active
directory for linux - think it was IBM or Compaq. Saw Bill (boo, hiss) demo it
last year, no big deal in my book ( looked good over multiple T3 line though!
;) ).

For what its worth

On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, you wrote: >   > This story
at Slashdot starts off talking about a Gov't users of Unix > needing to
implement standard desktops for productivity apps (office apps > and
PeopleSoft) and then he mentions Active Directory and goes into how his > Dept.
is going to connect to other locations that will be using Active > Directory. >
 > Can someone tell me what is so important about having Active Directory?  I >
have never used Novell and NDS (although I know the term NDS), but have > never
heard what it can do or if it is even important.  If it is so great to > have
directory services why have Unix and NT networks gotten away without > having
one for so long?  Also, is there a Directory Service in the works for > Linux?
> Thanks, 
> Brian

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