SQUID Proxy Services

Forrest Dickinson fdickinson at morganhunter.com
Wed Aug 16 19:52:42 CDT 2000

I don't know your exact setup, but with Caldera 2.3 and Redhat 6.x I downloaded
and installed "Webmin"  www.webmin.com. Its opensource, easy to setup, works
with almost any distribution, and with it from a web browser you can easily
configure SQUID along with SAMBA, SENDMAIL, DNS, APACHE and a "host" of other
services.  I think its much easier to use than "Linuxconf" and much quicker
than editing text files.

Forrest Dickinson
Network Administrator
Morgan Hunter Companies
fdickinson at morganhunter.com

Joe Brouhard wrote:

> Hey.. Does anyone here know how to set up SQUID to allow multiple machine
> access (Windows machines) to a cable modem like Road Runner?  I'm trying to
> find some information, but thus far, no joy.
> I would appreciate any help in any way, fashion, or form.  Thanks!
> Joe Brouhard
> joeb at armada.homeip.net

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