Microsoft secret password could allow access to Web sites

David Goth [XaOs] xaos at
Sat Apr 15 06:33:49 CDT 2000

> Check this out..

er...if I must...

> Microsoft said its engineers included a secret back door
> including the phrase "Netscape engineers are weenies!" in Web
> site authoring software that could allow hackers to gain
> unauthorized access to potentially thousands of Web sites.
> article at

Ah, the joys of forwarded links. <cough>

Most people are capable of reading Slashdot for all their MS hating news, so
why post it here? I'd much rather see pro-linux news than anti-MS. There's
plenty of that elsewhere (as I mentioned).

Anyway, this story has largely been 'retracted' since it has been broken.

xaos at
  David Goth

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