Explanation of Listserv Downtime

mike neuliep mike at illiana.net
Wed Apr 12 14:17:34 CDT 2000

The listserv was down from about 4PM yesterday to 9AM today.  This was due to
a misconfiguration of my sendmail.cf (forgot to add majordomo aliases to the
AliasFile field), however I caught it this morning.  The cause of this was an
upgrade to sendmail 8.10.1.  Also added was the FEATURE(access) to help us
further prevent spam to our users.  I greatly apologize for the inconvinience,
however the changes made should help us keep focused on what this listserv
is dedicated to instead being focused on how to stop the spam.  Now that
sendmail is where I need it to be, I will be working on majordomo itself on a
test listserv such that only listserv members will be able to send to the list.

Again sorry for the inconvinience.

Mike Neuliep
Illiana Internet
mike at illiana.net

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