Success -- MySQL / MyODBC replication

Jeffrey Watts watts at
Mon Apr 10 18:48:22 CDT 2000

On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, michael d hoskins wrote:

> Because of free ODBC, JDBC, and Perl DBI/DBD support, you can develop
> for both databases simultaneously, as long as you don't use native
> API's.  Unfortunately, PHP doesn't have this kind of support, unless
> you download someone else's library, such as PHPLib, the PHP Base
> Library: In most of these, you just
> switch out a line or two of code, and maybe a driver.  This way, you
> don't paint yourself into a corner.

PHP has full support for ODBC.  Use it to abstract your database backends.


| Jeffrey Watts                     |
| watts at         o-------------------------------------------o
| Systems Programmer         | "At the beginning of the week, we sealed  |
| Network Systems Management |  ten BSD programmers into a computer room |
| Sprint Communications      |  with a single distribution of BSD Unix.  |
o----------------------------|  Upon opening the room after seven days,  |
                             |  we found all ten programmers dead,       |
                             |  clutching each others' throats, and      |
                             |  thirteen new flavors of BSD."            |
                             |  -- Unknown                               |

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