Meeting Wednesday

Edgar Allen era at
Tue Apr 4 17:48:19 CDT 2000

michael d hoskins writes:
>I didn't know you could get a booth to LinuxFest.
The organizer, Greg, was at our last Tues meeting and said he
had a booth reserved for us, I beleive.

What should we plan to do with it ?  Brian may still have some
cards left from the W2K rollout.

Jim Manley and I talked about setting up machines to share
home directories so that whichever one you logged in to your
files/setup would be there.

Having people enter their contact info/subscription to this list
via a form on the is probably a good idea.

A schedule of meeting topics would be nice.  We could even
take suggestions of topics as part of the signup form.

I would like to see us at least have a planned agenda for
each meeting instead of just drifting along.  Not everyone
wants even that much organization but we need to address the
desires of those who do.

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