This seems pretty cool

Mac Wisler mac at
Sun Apr 2 18:27:30 CDT 2000

On Sun, 2 Apr 2000, M. Osten wrote:

> I didn't get what the angle is...what do they want from me for signing up
> to get free dsl service?

The catches are 1.) you have to download a "browser assistant" which, as
you browse, displays advertisements and logs the sites that you visit for
marketing statistics and 2.) this "browser assistant" application only
runs under MS Windows so you can use it while running Linux

It seems that although you have to buy a DSL modem, they actually do pay
for your DSL line from SWB, so for an average Windows user who just wants
higher bandwidth without paying more, it might be a good thing.  I'm
betting there are other catches down the line though...


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