From: Peter Mutsaers (
Date: 06/21/93

From: (Peter Mutsaers)
Subject: Re: Coherent vs. Linux - a comparo
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1993 20:15:20 GMT

On 20 Jun 93 14:04:10 GMT, (Gregg Hungerford) said:

  GH> I'm having problems with some of the arguments on both sides...
  GH> First, virtual memory is a wonderful thing, but you better have a
  GH> really fast disk drive. I have a Sun with a scuzzi that runs at

If you start thrashing, yes. But if some program, or part of a program
is not used for a while, and you want to load some more stuff into
memory than physically available, you only have to page out some
pieces once. Its nice if it is fast, but not essential in this case.

Peter Mutsaers       |  Bunnik (Ut),     |      Quod licet bovi, |  the Netherlands  |      non licet Jovi