Date: 06/23/93

Date:     Wed, 23 Jun 1993 14:43:14 EDT
Subject:  Linux-Activists Digest #556

Linux-Activists Digest #556, Volume #5 Wed, 23 Jun 93 14:43:14 EDT

  Re: Matlab clones? (Murray Loew)
  Re: Where to find "loop mount (Wolfgang Jung)
  Re: Linux beoming a real choice? (stephen swann)
  Re: How to install LINUX X11 on VGA Diamond Speedstar 24 - Need Help (System Operator)
  Re: Term on ULTRIX V4.2A (Mark Eichin)
  Re: NET-2 CONFIG QUESTIONS - NEED HELP [How to set up SLIP] (Charles Hedrick)
  Re: Gopher & Gopherd for Linus?
  XRooms on Linux ? (Niels Knoop)
  Re: LF -> CRLF program? (Niels Skov Olsen)
  Probs with UUCP (Michael Mikulandra)
  Re: Where is sgtty.h? (Andreas Busse)
  Re: kernel based ps and pl10 (Andreas Busse)
  Re: 0.99.10 won't login (and other problems solved) (Andreas Busse)
  Using Zmodem under Kermit (Frank Pikelner)