You could also use BackTrack (2 or 3b) it boots by default to cli mode.
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Try out SystemRescueCD, based on Gentoo:
Leo Mauler wrote:
| I had a motherboard die on me recently. I had a spare
| machine with no OS and a spare hard drive, so I booted
| up KNOPPIX on the spare machine and set up the system
| to copy files off the dead computer's hard drives onto
| the backup hard drive.
| After about 24 hours only 15GB had copied between the
| two hard drives, with 30GB to go. I assume that
| KNOPPIX's heavy memory use was slowing down the file
| transfer, and I think I need a CLI-only LiveCD.
| The most commonly used tools I need for such a LiveCD
| are network capability (including DHCP client), Samba
| support for mounting Samba shares on other machines,
| and "mc" to make copying functions easier, such as for
| Windows filenames with lots of spaces. If anyone
| knows of such a LiveCD, please let me know.
It's pretty lightweight (compared to Knoppix, etc), and includes
everything you need. You can even mount NTFS partitions full R/W.
These days, even SystemRescueCD comes with a GUI (for GParted and a
lightweight web browser) but it's easy to disable if you don't want it,
and it boots into the CLI by default.
As a bonus, you can boot a variety of floppy disk images from the CD as
well (memtest86, freedos, many more).
- --
Charles Steinkuehler
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