James, you forgot to make fun of Native Americans or rail against Mexicans when posting this reply.


On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 12:31 PM, James R. Sissel <JimSissel@yahoo.com> wrote:
Leo, you must be one of those bigot, racist, hateful, evil-rich Republicans.  People taking personal responsibility?  Bah!  What horrible ideas you are presenting.  Why, if they have to do that for their music then what's next?  Actually pay their mortgages or suffer the consequences?  I think we need a bailout for the disenfranchised music people.  The government should buy new DRM-filled music for them with taxpayer's money.  After all, isn't that the moral thing to do?


"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." -- Thomas Paine