Tradebot Systems (where I work now) is looking to expand.  We are hiring a software developer and a sysadmin for the operations team (where I work).  Since I last posted this, we've filled most spots.  All that's left is a developer position for someone that's strong in C++ and a junior/mid-level Linux sysadmin position.

Here is the job description for the software developer position:

Here is the job description for the systems administrator position:

Note that the system administrator job description is kind of vague, so I'll explain what we're looking for.  We're looking for a junior to mid-level person to do the following:

* Some general desktop support for the company - almost everyone has Linux and Windows desktops, so it'd be a mix.  Note that most of the company is very technically savvy, and requests for help are pretty high level.  This will be about 10% of the job.  (This part of the job will probably not be a primary responsibility - we hired someone three weeks ago who will have this as their focus)
* Junior level system administration of Linux servers and a few Windows servers.  Our company is about 90% Linux, only the backoffice and a few legacy systems run Windows still.  This is a great opportunity for someone with Windows experience and just limited Linux experience to move into the future.  This will be a large part of the job.
* Build and manage physical servers, including some limited datacenter work.  You'll get to work with the absolute cutting edge in servers and learn a lot about top-end hardware.
* Manage trouble tickets, image servers, and run the day to day operations.  The intention is for these new hires to take over much of the routine work so that the senior level staff can focus on the future.  This is a HUGE opportunity for a junior level admin looking to get the experience he or she needs to move to a senior level.
* Configure switches and routers, if you have the interest.  If you have an interest in possibly becoming a netadmin one day, you can learn a considerable amount on the job here towards that goal.  We work with the absolute bleeding edge in networking (not an overstatement).

Here are some benefits to the job:
* Great working hours, especially for families.  The company works 7:30am to 3:30pm Monday through Friday.  We have no customers, and since we trade on the US and Canadian markets, when they're closed, almost everything stops.
* Free lunches, every day (and they're really great).  Free sodas, Keurig coffee, Red Bull, energy bars, fruit, etc.
* Top notch pay and a real bonus incentive plan.  The company is very generous.
* Medical/Dental/Vision/IRA/etc
* Three weeks of paid vacation.
* Oncall rotation is currently every six weeks, and involves little after-hours work.
* Unlike at most other companies, the IT department here is seen as a team that can contribute to the growth of the company.  We are not seen as overhead.
* If you aspire to be one of the best at what you do, there are very few other places in Kansas City where you can learn the skills and work with the technology to do that.

Please email me if you're interested.  Resume in Word or PDF format please (PDF preferred).  I'll forward you on to our HR department and put in a word.