Fedora Core 6
I've had the laptop for 2 weeks
I'm using ext3, but as I understand, journaling is optional, and I don't know how to check to see if its on.
I can tell you that watching it boot, I don't see any consistency checks going on.
By init scripts, I assume chkconfig is one way to check/configure those? I haven't yet developed my leet Linux ninja abilities to the point where I'm comfortable trolling around the init directories. I have, however pruned things with chkconfig and gnome's graphical service editor.
I'm looking up that preemptible thing right now...
Thanks for your help!
What distro are you using? How old is it? Some things off the top of my
Make sure your using a journaling file system. Ext2 Can be quite slow
when booting up when it does consistency checks.
Check your init scripts and disable things you don't use often.
Make sure that your kernel is built with the Preemtible (Low Latency
Desktop) Model turned on.