On 9/26/07, Oren Beck <orenbeck@gmail.com> wrote:Can we function under a guideline of honor as a bond? That means a
declaration of mutual self respect for declared IP rights including
their inalienable repudiation from another' profit?
all the Diverse IP statues seem lacking in an instrumentality where an
IP creator can declare their work as property of all while denying
commercial interests from privatising in a restrictive manner such
If it's my property, I can restrict it any way I damn please. This is exactly why the GPL is a LICENSE, not a conveyance of title.
One proposal is for granting works their own incarnation.
There is legal precedent for chattels being of limited yet real court standing.
Simply put that denotes in a
better future than we deserve an IP item could be used but not sold or
profited from in a manner that would diminish it's freedom to others.
You have to explain what you're talking about here.