I'm cleaning out some of my hoard, and I'm hoping some of these fine specimens can find a good home.

Unix workstations:
5x SGI Indy Workstations
1x Sun SPARCstation 5
2x Sun SPARCstation IPX
1x Sun SPARCclassic
1x Sun external SCSI hard drive
1x 17" monitor that works with these workstations (I believe it's a DB13W3 connector)
1x external SCSI CDROM drive
Miscellaneous keyboards and mice + 1 IndyCam

PC parts and accessories:
1x External 56kx2/ISDN US Robotics modem.  Really nice, speaks full AT command set.
1x ActionTEC 56k PCI modem - has Linux drivers (company at the time supported Linux)
1x CueCat barcode scanner
1x BusLogic PCI SCSI3 adapter (internal and external connector)
3x 3COM ISA 10Mbit 3c509 Ethernet cards (single chip, really nice)
1x 3COM PCI 10Mbit 3c905 Ethernet card
1x Cirrus Logic ISA video card
1x Matrox Millenium PCI video card

I also have an SGI ChallengeXL 12 CPU R4400 supercomputer.  Yep.  It'll require a truck to haul away (size of a refrigerator), but it's awesome.  I even have the IRIX CDROMs you'd need to get it running.  Note that none of this stuff is in poor condition - I got rid of that stuff years ago.  These are all in good shape and were working the last time I used them.  I treat my toys well.

Anyhow, as I was saying I'd like to find a good home for these.  Whatever I can't find a home for I'm going to recycle, which would be a shame.  If you're interested in any of this stuff please respond to me directly - I'll give preference to whoever is willing to take more. :)
