On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Leo Mauler <webgiant@yahoo.com> wrote:
Someone who was a member of the 1980s S&L scandals' "Keating Five" (like JOHN MCCAIN, the only member of the "Keating Five" still in the U.S. Senate) shouldn't be put in charge of financial decisions like the Wall Street bailout. The remaining fox being put in charge of the financial henhouse.
McCain and Glenn were found innocent of wrongdoing in that scandal. The Democrat counsel for the committee (later one of Bill Clinton's attorneys) wanted to drop them from the investigation due to the embarrassing lack of evidence, but the Democrat majority on the committee insisted on having a token Republican to investigate, and for Glenn to keep him company so the ploy wouldn't have been that transparent. Here I present the relevant Wikipedia summary, with the links to articles documenting the statements made.
Initially the committee investigated in private. On September 10, 1990,
Bennett submitted a confidential report, which soon leaked, that
recommended that the committee continue its investigation of Cranston,
DeConcini, and Riegle, but take no action against Glenn and McCain,[21] as there was insufficient evidence to pursue the latter two.[32] Bennett also recommended that public hearings be held.[20]