I concur. I had to do so to get the video on an old Armada 7800 working with X on 8.xx Ubuntu.
On Dec 31, 2008 2:23pm, Arthur Pemberton <pemboa@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 1:59 PM, Jim Herrmann kclug@itdepends.com> wrote:
> > I got my daughter a Wacom Bamboo tablet for Christmas. It works, and we
> > figured out how to get pressure sensitivity working in GIMP, so it's fairly
> > useful. However, the eraser doesn't seem to work, and there are also extra
> > buttons on the Bamboo that don't seem to do anything in linux. The
> > configuration information on the intertubes seems to be obsolete, like
> > 2005ish. X is no longer configured with etc/X11/xorg.conf apparently. This
> > is on Ubuntu 8.10.
> X still uses /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but most distros rely on X's
> autoamgic to guess config, but if you put in a valid xorg.conf, it
> should respect it.
> --
> Fedora 9 : sulphur is good for the skin
> ( www.pembo13.com )
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