On 8/31/07, Oren Beck <orenbeck@gmail.com> wrote:
Look at the bigger implications re:
spools,warrant orders etc. The legitimacy of groundless interception
becoming de facto acceptable is in OUR  hands. PGP et all make lovely
political statements while only pretending to address the rotten

Our social order hinges on shaky consensus. if we wrangle over post
styles the whole game becomes moot by default. WTF Do I mean by that?
Replicate the logic already (precedent yet unchallenged) used to
mandate OS conditions for a probationer. Thus,arguably the PostPolizei
could mandate formatting software settings.

If the rule of Law becomes arbritarily random by whims we are .uh~nevermind~

Yeah, what he said!!!

Alright, all you peeps have a fun and safe Labor day weekend!