I think you missed my point, but whatever.  ReiserFS is open source - just because the guy is in prison doesn't mean the filesystem is "incredibly dead".  I certainly agree that losing its chief advocate (and original author) poses a serious problem for the development effort, but many other open source projects have had similar losses of leadership in the past and have yet survived.  My point was that the "Nancy Grace" extras really don't have much to do with the software itself.

Regardless, I personally recommend that folks use ext3 unless they have special, high-end requirements.  I'm not sure if the original poster's version of SuSE supports ext3 (I've never followed SuSE closely), but if it doesn't I'd recommend that he upgrade to a version that does.


On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:05 AM, Leo Mauler <webgiant@yahoo.com> wrote:

Kevin Mitnick was also once incarcerated, even to the point of being denied use of any electronic equipment more complex than a landline phone while on parole, but now runs his own computer security company.  Given the prior example of Kevin Mitnick, I felt that the general word "incarceration" was inadequate to explain just how incredibly dead Reiser4 has become.


"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." -- Thomas Paine