Hey now be positive.  I like to think that if we let it go, it will become the new home of the

KC Living Urban Greenspace
Or the KC Lower Uptown Gospel Church

KC Learning the Ukulele Group
Kansas City's Lighthearted Umbrella Gathering
Kansas City's Lunar Unicycle Guild
Kinetic Community Leaders Uniting Gleefully
Keystone City's Lifelong Unity Guild
Kansas Coalition of Lukewarm Urine Grocers 
Kindred Spirits Creating Lasting Unity
Kettlebell Crew: Lifting Unites Gym-enthusiasts
Kreative Coffee Lovers Uniting Gleefully
Karaoke Charmers Lighting Up Gatherings

All those folks maybe were waiting for their name to free up on the Internet for the last couple decades

On Thu, Feb 1, 2024, 19:10 Jonathan Hutchins <hutchins@tarcanfel.org> wrote:
We have not seen much interest in maintaining the web site.  The
registration is up for renewal.  I think it would be a good idea to keep
the registration, if for no other reason than to prevent someone
pirating it, maybe trying to sell it back to us if we ever want it.

If anyone else is interested in taking responsibility, and maybe
maintaining it, please let me know.

If I receive no responses I may go ahead and renew it, but point it at a
parking page until I can get around to making a "historical" page.

Or maybe just let it rot.

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