
I could be wrong but it seems like you have 2 email addresses listed in the KCLUG group. One for Gmail and one for your office? If someone writes a post and puts a dirty word in the message body, the copy going through the email box at Westrope gets filtered and any message with questionable material gets redirected to the equivalent of /dev/null. You get the Gmail message fine, but I don't think your getting the messages at Westrope. I am assuming you work at Westrope. Just a guess but seems reasonable.

On 5/15/07, Arthur Pemberton <> wrote:
Anyone knows what's happening here? Does someone on the list use a web
filter? or is some one monitoring this list?

Cause I sure don't have any filters.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RtX <>
Date: May 15, 2007 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: Webfilter a little tight?
To: Arthur Pemberton < >

Well, for some reason when I reply to the list, I get this back.
Again, please don't take this wrong. If it were me, I would want to
know what's up. Maybe I'm reading it wrong??

PureMessage has detected a content threat in a mail sent by you.

Westrope policies forbid the use of profanity and obscene language.
Please rephrase your message and send again.

        Event:          Threat
        Action:         Message quarantined
        Message ID:     < >
        Message subject:        Re: Pantent infingments?
        Recipient:      "Arthur Pemberton" <>


        Attachment information:
                Event:  Threat
                Action: No action
                Filename:       Body text
                Threat: Banned phrase

        Attachment information:
                Event:  Threat
                Action: No action
                Filename:       Body text
                Threat: Banned phrase

On 5/15/07, Arthur Pemberton < > wrote:
> On 5/15/07, RtX < > wrote:
> > Arthur,
> >
> > I just wanted to let you know that your mail filter at Westrope will not
> > allow anything they consider profanity through the pipe and therefore, you
> > might not be getting certain emails because of this.
> >
> >  I have received a few returns from "" for content
> > violations. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I respect your
> > right to not view certain material if this is your choice. On the other
> > hand, if you did not choose this, or someone chose this for you, I thought
> > you should know.
> I only use this address for mailing lists. It's a simple Gmail
> account. I'm not aware of any mail filter at Westrope.
> --
> Fedora Core 6 and proud


Ty Unes - Overland Park, Ks.

Fedora Core 6 and proud
Kclug mailing list


Ty Unes - Overland Park, Ks.