From C/Net's Week in Photos:
"Three manufacturers are preloading Linux onto PCs that cost less than $200--and retailers can't keep them in stock."
Hope you enjoy the peek and comments that Cnet makes. :D
BTW: I've been reading with great interest the thread about that "Cube" utility function in Ubuntu. I simply don't know how to REPLY to a particular post in the news letter or I would be in there asking, "What are the exact steps to get this to work for me...the n00bee trying to migrate from Winblowz XP?"
...And I laughed my arse off at that URL which led to the "story" about 'Window Shades'!!! I just about had peppermint tea come through my nose when I read about that demo to those Best Buy employees!!!  They consider themselves "techies"???? LMAO!!!!  ] : )
Julie @};-

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