Greetings All:<br><br>I am seeking an older NEC Multisync or Sony Multisync monitor, 15 inch preferred that needs a good home. This is for one of my old systems that I am keeping going! If I can find two of these, that would even be better.<br>
<br>The exact NEC model that I would like to find is XE15. Not sure what the Sony counterpart is... the jist is that they must be multisync because the machine is an old Macintosh IIci.<br><br>Please let me know if you can help and I will be glad to come pick up the monitor or monitors.<br>
<br>Thanks!<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>73,<br><br>J. Mike Needham <KDØJXP><br>Olathe, Kansas USA<br>